Adding Chickens To Our Hearth

Adding Chickens To Our Hearth

We searched for months for a chicken farmer that felt amazing
“They’re fed just a little bit of grain” - wasn’t it
“They’re only bleached when they get to the abattoir” - wasn’t it
“They’re not ideal but they’re pretty good” - wasn’t it
“They’re free range but that’s as far as it goes” definitely wasn’t it!
Being a fast growing meat bird wasn’t it
Receiving antibiotics and medications definitely wasn’t it either
We stopped eating chicken.
The last straw came when we found out that a certified organic brand we had been buying uses bleach in its processing.
We weren’t happy with anything we could find
We finally stumbled across Hand Sourced. One conversation with Shirley and my (Tav) whole body relaxed, I really felt the passion and commitment she has to finding small hold farms and building a relationship with them and then bringing their incredible products through to the marketplace.
When we found Shirley, we finally found chicken that feels amazing!
All of the meat that she hand sources does. We will be adding to our range soon.
Grassland Poultry grow heritage breed Sommerland chickens, that means it is slow growing, the way that nature intended. Real chickens take 10-14 weeks to be big enough to eat (factory farmed take 5-6 weeks).
When chickens are bred to grow so quickly, their organs, bones and immunity can’t keep up, meaning that a lot of them receive a lot of medication and antibiotics to get them to the plate
Grassland Poultry are as passionate as us about food being honest and healing. Their chickens are born on farm, live on farm, die on farm and are packed on farm, sacred from beginning to end, to nourish and heal in its most natural form.
We take our food sourcing very seriously, what we serve to you, we eat and use ourselves and our health and vibrance is our devotion.
We found a chicken farmer that feels amazing
We found chicken that tastes amazing
We eat chicken again now!
From our Hearth to Yours
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