Feeling into Fasting

Feeling into Fasting

Hey, it’s me, Tav… I’ve got a thing to say about fasting and an invitation for you to join us in a juice fast..

And if you’re like me and don’t last the distance of a long post.. the short version is over on our socials.. otherwise strap in..

It’s taken me a long time to heal the wounds left by the greedy, dissociative health and wellness industry.

For most of my life I have fallen prey to the evil in the hate your body and make it as small and weak as possible so that we may control you movement.

It is only through my devotion to Food, my golden thread, the real and healing form of food, that I have come to a place of love and respect for the vessel that allows me to hold and transmute so much.

I have tried every diet and pill and blood test and restriction that exists, I have counted and cut and macro’d myself into some dark places, lured out only by the promise of a treat or cheat.

Everything I tried in the past was seated in hate and desire for something different.

I wanted the tiny bod and the fast metabolism and the seemingly easy life of the beautiful people

I didn’t want to look at the medicine that I hold and the power that is flowing through my blood and I certainly didn’t want to look at the density of the body required to hold it all.

A while ago I posted about fasting, I said that I wasn’t yet in a place where it felt good to me, I was still processing the years of it being a tool wielded by punishment and deprivation.

Well, the time has come.. My body is asking me to step it up a notch

My Liver is crying for help
Ready to release years of toxins from alcoholism, perfume addiction, daily makeup and shit food used to treat and reward myself
Ready to release the emotions of other peoples belief systems, opinions, ideas about who I should be and how I should behave
Ready to release whatever is ready to be flushed (literally and figuratively) from my body

This feels different than it ever has before, a strange ritualistic anticipation surrounds me. To fast from a place of love and respect and true healing

What a thing hey.

As is true of the tribe we vibe with, my peeps have also been hearing the calls from their own bodies and at Moth we have the where with all to put it all together.

Soooo.. If you too are hearing the call for a spring clean, a freshen up, an emotional purge, a rest and reset or whatever the intent has in store for you.. We’re doing a 3 day juice fast.

You can join us a the same time and tap into the collective moral support and holding or you can grab the stuff and do your own thing with it.. here we are all about listening to what is true for you.. not what is trendy or conforming.

Here’s what is included in the pack :

Lemons for your daily morning lemon water - Lemons can help get bile and digestion going and have a strong affinity with the Liver
9 Ltrs of Organic Cold Pressed Juices (2 flavours, our Nourish Blend - Carrot, Apple, Beetroot, Lemon, Ginger and Turmeric, and our Nurture Blend - Silverbeet, Celery, Cue, Apples, Mint and Lemon)
Colon Cleanse Powder to sweep and bind any toxins so they’re not freewheeling around our bloodstream when they are released)
Liver Support Herbal Tea Blend - Our own organic blend of herbs to calm and clear
Juice Cleanse Guide, inspiration for when to drink what or some good scribbling paper if you’re more into winging it.
A recording created by @earthynarelle (over on Insta) of a Yoga Nidra and sound bowl healing to further enhance the medicine. 
A Reiki session with Dave to assist and aid your body in its cleansing healing journey.
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